Hi Tim Rettig. Thanks for putting so much thought into this article and providing so many examples and resources for writers hoping to build a brand.
On Medium, there are always writers that say things like ‘I want to grow an audience so that I can get a book deal, etc’. When I read books by incredible authors like Roxane Gay, Anne Rice or Toni Morrison, I am completely blown away by the skill-level involved…their plots are masterpieces, the characters feel incredibly real and I, as a reader, care about their outcomes.
I still have an unbelievable amount of work to do if I ever wanted to communicate things in a clear, concise, emotional way. But I am curious to know if you think that, if a writer today were insanely talented, it is still possible to be discovered/rise to meteoric fame on ability alone. Basically, has self-promotion become a universal necessity for fledgling writers?
Thanks again!